
Name: Shahin Ahmedov
Academic rank: Prof.Dr.
Nationality: Azeri-turkish
Date & place of birth: 01.01.1958 Baku, Azerbaijan
Language: Turkish, Russian, English, Greek (advanced-to-intermediate)
Contact Info: tel: 0905338412207
1975 – 1981 Azerb.State Med. Inst. Baku (undergrad. student)
1988 – 1991 Soviet Sci.Res.Center (Med.Acad), Moscow (postgr.student. -
1990 Trad.Chinese Med. course, Moskow (diploma in Acupuncture)
1998 – 2001 USMLE exam series, ECFMG MD Certif. issued by
Univ.Pennsylv. USA 2002 –
Assoc. Prof. from Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus
2013 – Prof. from Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus
1981 – 1982 Azerb.Sci.-Res.Inst.Cardiology, Baku (intern)
1982 – 1985 Azerb.State Polyclinic, Sumgait, (GP)
1985 – 1988 Azerb.State Neurosurg.Center, Baku (Anest.&Rhean)
1991 – 1993 Azerb.State Hospital, Baku (Anest.& Rheanim)
1993 – 1997 Dr.B.Nalbandoğlu St.Hosp., Nicosia (Anesthesiologist)
1997 – upto present NEU, Sch.Phys.Educ.Sport Sci.,Nicosia (Director
& Lecturer)
2005 – 2009 NEU, Health & Wellness Center, Nicosia (Director)
2003 – 2005 Private clinic, Nicosia (part-time, Acupuncture)
2008 Famagusta Yasham Hospital (part-time, Acupuncture)
2008 – upto present Private clinic, Nicosia (part-time, Acupuncture)
1. Delivered lectures (in Turkish & English) in Human Anatomy
(undergrad), Kinesiology (undergrad), Health (undergrad) , Sports
Medicine (grad), Research Techniques in Phys.Educ.(undergrad.&
grad), Safety and First Aid (undergrad).
2. Research activities:
a. Development of new biomedical devices.
b. Assessment of physical fitness level in various groups of local
c. Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine theories with modern
Western scientific knowledge in medicine, physiology & nutrition.
d. Assessment of the effect of Chinese tai chi chuan exercise on
e. Assessment of ergogenic effect of acupuncture in sport.
1. The 3rd European Meeting on Pulse Wave Analysis. Feb., 2001 London,
2. Certificate of high scientific achievement in 2000/2001 Acad. Year,
NEU. Nicosia.
3. The 7th International Sports Sciences Congress, Oct., 2002. Antalya,
4. 10th Biomed. Science and Technol. Sympos. Oct. 10 – 12, 2003,
Accapulco, Cyprus.
5. The 6th International Educational Technol. Confer.. April, 2006.
Famagusta. Cyprus
6. 11th European College of Sports Sci. Intern Congr. July 2006.
Lausanne, Switzerland.
7. The 6th World Congress on Science and Football. Jan., 2007, Antalya
8. The 6th WHO Congress on Traditional Medicine. Nov. 7 – 9, 2008.
Beijing China.
9. ICMART-2009, Internat. Congress in Med Acup, May 29 – 31,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
10. The 6th International Acupuncture Conference, Sept. 24 – 28, 2010,
Istanbul, Turkey
F. PATENTS. 2 UK Patents, granted for non-invasive measuring device of
cardiac index (Sep. 2007) and for strength & power performance
monitor (Nov. 2009).
1. Fahreddin Sadıkoğlu, Prof.Dr. Dean of the Fac.Engineering. NEU,
2. Alexander Rips, MD. Dept.Anesthesiology, Beth-Israel Med.Center,New
York City, NY,USA.
3. Halil Ismailov, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kafkaz University, Baku, Azerbaijan.
(00994124381562, e-mail khismailov@yahoo.com)
4. Vladimir Nikoda, Prof.Dr. Russian Sci. Surg.Center, Moscow, Russia
(+74992481028, e-
mail: nikoda2004@mail.ru).
S. Ahmedov. How Do You Treat Recurrent
Migraine Headaches in Your Practice. Clinical Pearls. Medical Acupuncture,
2013; 25(4), pp. 297 - 302.
S. Ahmedov, H. U. Yavuz, D. Erdag.
Effects of Menstrual Periods on Postural Stability in Eumenorrheic
Female Group. Scientific Research and Essays, 2012; 7(34), pp. 3053 -
S. Ahmedov. Yin and Yang of Body
Composition Assessment. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2011,
17(9), pp. 675 – 679.
S. Ahmedov. Pulse Oximetry and
Acupuncture in Patients With Pain Syndrome. Medical Acupuncture, 2010,
22(3), pp. 219-222.
D. Ibrahim, S.Ahmedov. Assessing The
Power of An Athelete Using MCU-Based Vertical Jump Test Device.
Electronics World, 2010; 116(1892), pp. 44 –45.
S. Ahmedov. Ergogenic Effect of
Acupuncture in Sport and Exercise: A Brief Review. J. Strength Cond.
Res 2010; 24(5) pp.1421 - 1427
D. İbrahim, S. Ahmedov, A. Kaşman. Design of a Microcontroller Based Device for
Long-Term Monitoring of the Body Temperature of
Patients. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
(Volume I) Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, September 24-26,
2009: pp. 124-129.
D. İbrahim, S. Ahmedov. Body temperature monitoring.
EMOBİLİM (KTMMOB Electrik Mühend. Odası
Yayını), 2009, 24: pp. 50 – 54.
S. Ahmedov. Treatment of Habitual
Constipation by Traditional Acupuncture: Case Studies Report.
International Congress in Medical Acupuncture, ICMART. May 29 – 31,
2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, p. 102.
S. Ahmedov. Can Yi-Yang Theory Be Used
to Predict Sweat Loss in Physical Activity. Proceedings of the 6th WHO
Congress on Traditional Medicine: Acupuncture. November 7 – 9, 2008.
Beijing, China, pp. 129-130.
S. Ahmedov. Application of
Auriculopuncture In Management of High Blood Pressure: Clinical Trial.
The 2nd International Conference on Hypertension, Lipids, Diabetes
& Stroke Prevention. Prague, Czech Republic, March 6-8,2008.
S. Ahmedov, G. Özkan, L. Tuğberk, S. Biran, U. Gazi, A. Gazi, S. Kayalp. KKTC
Futbol, Basketbol ve Hentbol Liglerinde Sporcu Yaralanmaların İncelenmesi. The 4th International Mediterrenian
Congress on Sport Sciences. Nov. 9-11, 2007, Antalya, Turkiye, p.290.
S. Ahmedov, G. Özkan, H. Atamtürk, H.
Tokmak. Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyi Kısa Anketle Değerlendirilebilir. The 4th International
Mediterrenian Congress on Sport Sciences. Nov. 9-11, 2007, Antalya, Turkiye,p.289.
S. Atamtürk, S. Ahmedov, H. Atamtürk.
Sağlık ve
Kondisyon Merkezin Üye Profilinin İncelenmesi: 2 yıllık gözlem.
Uluslararası Sağlık ve Hastane Yönetimi Kongresi. 1 – 3
Haziran 2007, YDÜ, Lefkoşa, KKTC, p. 97.
S. Ahmedov & G. Özkan. Blood Pressure
Level in Adults Associates withType of Daily Drinking Water They
Prefer. International Conference on Envirounment: Survival &
Sustainability. Yakın Doğu Üniv.Lefkoşa, KKTC, Feb. 19-24, 2007. pp.303-304.
S. Ahmedov, H. Atamturk, H. Tokmak.
Variations of Total Body Water Changes in Football Players During
Running. The 6th World Congress on Science and Football. Jan. 15-20,
2007, Antalya Turkey. JSSM V.6 (suppl 10) 2007, p.54.
H. Atamturk, S. Ahmedov, H.Tokmak.
Lifestyle and Nutritional Habits of Footballers from North Cyprus
Football League. The 6th World Congress on Science and Footnall. Jan.
15-20, 2007, Antalya Turkey. JSSM. V.6 (suppl 10) 2007, p.158.
D. Ibrahim & S. Ahmedov. A Novel
Technique For Measuring The Power Of An Athlete Using A Microcontroller
Based Vertical Jump Testing Device. The 3rd International Symposium on
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Proceedings. pp. 158 –
163. Nov. 23-25, 2006, Near East University,Nicosia, Cyprus.
S. Ahmedov, O. Emiroğlu, H. Atamtürk, N. Burgul, C.Tınazcı.
Level of Physical Fitness Among Young Turkish Cypriot
Population: Association of Physical Fitness with Obesity in 7425
EUROFIT Test Results of Junior School Children. The 11th European
College of Sports Sciences International Congress Proceedings, p. 135.
July 5 – 8 2006. Lausanne,Switzerland.
O. Emiroğlu, S. Ahmedov, N. Burgul. Application of Modern
Technology For Motivation in Physical Education and Sport. The 6th
International Educational Technology Conference Proceedings. April 19 –
21, 2006, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, pp. 657-659.
S. Ahmedov. The Yin and Yang of Sports
Physiology: An Integrated Approach to Sports Medicine. Acupuncture
Today, No 9, September, 2005,(www.acupuncturetoday.com).
H. Atamtürk, N.S. Burgul &
S.Ahmedov. Behavioral Preferences of 30-40 Year Old Adults In North
Cyprus. The 46th ICHPER-SD World Congress proceedings. Nov 9-13 2005,
Türkiye, pp. 163-165.
R. Abiyev, S. Ahmedov. Fuzzy Expert
System in Medical Diagnosis of the Chest Pain. Bilim-Eğitim Faaliyetlerinde Bilgi-İletişim Teknolojileri Uluslararası Sempozium Yayınları.
Eylül 2004, Gafqaz Üniversitesi, Bakü Azerbaycan, pp. 4 – 6.
S. Ahmedov, P. H. Ali-zada, S. Farooq.
Assessment of Various Approaches to Vertical Jump Testing of Sportsmen.
Proceedings of the 10th Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium.
October 10 – 12, 2003, METU Campus of Northern Cyprus, p.15.
S. Ahmedov, F. Deniz. Ameliyat Öncesi
Lökosit Oranının Amelilyat Stresine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Kıbrıs Türk Tabibleri Birliği II. Tıp Günleri, 31 Ekim – 2 Kasım
2003. Hekimce Dergisi, Yıl 10, Sayı 38, Ekim 2003,
S. Ahmedov, F. Eralp, N. Burgul.
Toplumdaki Yaş ve Cinsiyet
Faktörlerin Vücut Kitle İndeksi Oranına Olan Etkisi. Spor Araştırmaları Dergisi, Aralık 2002, c:6,
No16, pp. 21– 29.
S. Ahmedov, F. Eralp, T. Karamanoğlu. Yetişkinlerde Farklı Davranış Faktörlerin Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi. 7. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri
Kongresi, 27– 29 Ekim 2002, Kemer-Antalya, Türkiye: p.7.
S. Ahmedov, T. Uluöz Rekreasyon Faktörün
Tarzına Olan Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi. 3. Uluslararası
Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2-4 Kasım
2001 Antalya, Türkiye, p. 25.
S. Ahmedov. Effect of Pulse Pressure on
Thermal Response of the Skin as a Way of Cardiac Output Measurement.
Elektrik Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu. 23-25 Mayıs, 2001,
S. Ahmedov Abdominal Cerrahi Genel
Anestezisi Esnasında Kulak Akupunkturun Uygulanması
(Auriculopuncture as an Adjunct of General Anesthesia in Abdominal
Surgery). Anesthesia & Analgesia, Feb. 2001, Vol.92, No29,p.249.
S. Ahmedov, Kalp Debisinin Ölçümü
Acısından Cildin Isı Tepkisinin Vücut Yüzeyiyle Olan
İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi (Thermal Response of the Skin Over
Large Artery Pulsation and its Relation to the Body Surface Area: The
Possibility of Non-invasive Assessment of Cardiac
Output). The 3rd European Meeting on Pulse Wave Analysis and Large
Artery Function, February 26, 2001 London, UK.
S. Ahmedov, F. Eralp, N. Burgul. Impact
of Team vs Individual Sports Activity as the Way of Handling with
Conflict Situation in Sportsmen. International Congress on Bridging
Sport, Exercise and Lifestyle Activity for Health Proceedings. February
13-15, 2001 Lahti, Finland.
S. Linev, A. Ahundov, S. Ahmedov, Z.
Tahirov, R. Nasirova. Application of extracorporal detoxication in
patiens with shock. Azerbaycan Tıp Dergisi No 2, 1996. Bakü,
Azerbaycan, pp.31-33.
Y. Nikiforov, R. Lebedeva, S. Graznov,
S. Ahmedov.The use of ultrafiltration in severe acute heart
insufficiency. Anesthesiology & Reanimatology, Russian Health
Ministry publ. ISSN:0201-7563 No 2, 1994. Moscow, pp.47-50.
S. Ahmedov, R. Nasirova, Z. Tahirov The
importance of the vascular component of the total peripheral resistance
in patients with shock. 2. Ulusal Tıbbi Diagnostiğın Aktüel Konuları Bilimsel Konferansı.
Eylül, 1993, Bakü, Azerbaycan, pp. 92-93.
Y. Nikiforov, S. Ahmedov, S. Babayev,
S. Tugarinov. Successful treatment of Mendelson's syndrome, case
report. Anesthesiology & Reanimatology, Russian Health Ministry
publ. ISSN: 0201-7563 No2, 1993, Moscow, pp.54-56.
R. Nasirova, Z. Tahirov, S. Ahmedov.
Multidimentional anesthesia in abdominal surgery. Methodical
recommendations. Azerbaijan State Research Institute. Baku, Azerbaycan,
R. Lebedeva, S. Ahmedov, S. Tugarinov
Y. Nikiforov. The importance of measuring of central hemodynamics for
patients on hemodialysis. Anesthesiology & Reanimatology, Russian
Health Ministry publ. ISSN:0201-7563 No3, 1992, Moscow, Russia, pp.3-6.
S. Ahmedov. Clinical importance of
measurement of the central hemodynamics during extracorporal
detoxification. PhD Thesis, supervisor - chief reanimatologist of the
Russian Health Ministry Prof. Dr. R. N. Lebedeva. Sep. 1991. Moscow,
S. Ahmedov, Y. Nikiforov, S. Tugarinov,
S. Babaev: Analysis of lung water dynamics during hemodialysis &
hemofiltration.. Proceedings of the National Conference on Anestesia
& ICU. Sep. 1990. Donesk, Ukraine.
S. Ahmedov,Y. Nikiforov, S. Tugarinov,
S. Babaev: Lung extra- & intracellular water changes during
extracorporal detoxification. Proceedings of the National Seminar on
Chest Surgery & Cardio-vascular Diseases. Sep. 1990. Moscow,
S. Ahmedov, Y. Nikiforov. The character
of the peripheral resistance during efferent methods of detoxification.
Proceedings of the National Seminar on chest surgery &
cardio-vascular diseases. Sep 1990. Moscow, Russia.
S. Ahmedov, S. Tugarinov, N. Chaus, S.
Babaev: Treatment of volumetric problems in cardiosurgical patients
with hemofiltration & isolated ultrafiltration. Proceedings of the
National Seminar on cardio-vascular diseases. April 1990. Moscow,